Radiation Zone

Played 47 times.

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Immerse yourself in this dynamic first-person shooter where hordes of zombies and military forces collide. Your objective is to eradicate all terrorists within a contaminated zone. Explore the environment to discover a diverse array of weapons and ammunition at your disposal. You'll have access to an inventory system that allows you to gather essential loot to enhance your survival chances. To set up a shelter, be on the lookout for four pieces of fabric and four branches. Additionally, remember to secure water and food to keep your strength up. Gear up and prepare for a challenging mission ahead!

Escape -go to menu
WASD - movement
Ctrl - crouch
Left Shift - sprint
Q, E - lean left, right
Tab - inventory
F - pick up item or inspect weapon box
1, 2, 3 - switch weapons
Left Mouse - fire
Right Mouse - aim
G -grenade
Double click Left Mouse - click on item to use
Double click Right Mouse - click on item to drop


Shooter Simulation


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